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Advent is here! Rejoice!
Next Sunday we will learn about John the Baptist’s message of repentance. The dictionary
defines repent as: ...”to feel such sorrow for sin or fault as to be disposed to change ones’s
life for the better; to be penitent....”
What are some ways we can repent? Perhaps we can be more patient with others and stop to listen to what is troubling them and pray with them or for them. Maybe we can refrain from gossiping and turn to God with prayers for those in need.
Yes! Let’s focus our lives more on God during this very special time of the year! Be a blessing to others! Share your gifts and talents! Perhaps that means spending more time reading the Bible and sharing with another something you learned. Volunteer to join our choir and share your beautiful voice. It may mean volunteering at the homeless shelter or at the food pantry.
Can you deliver meals to shut-ins? Ask other members to join you in visiting the nursing homes in the area and share a special Christmas card or message to each resident. Let us be disposed to change our life for the better and share God’s love and cheer with others!
New Hope and Blessings to You and Yours!
Your Servant in Christ,
Vicar Thania