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What am I passionate enough to blog about?  Our military!
A certain courage is necessary to join the military. Once we’re in, well…we can be sent
anywhere. We can be in harm’s way or in some safe garrison location.
Another courage is required. That is from our families and loved ones who open arms and bid
the warriors Godspeed. And let the warriors go……..
Warriors and our loved ones get quite adept at “Goodbye” and “Godspeed” sentiments.
Having served 30+ years of active duty, I wish there was another way, than having a huge
military force, for our country to be secure. Alas, I cannot think of another viable way. Can
Being part of a congregation which welcomes military members and their loved ones is very
important to me.
Moons ago, I was sent on a combat mission to protect the Chaplain as we evacuated an
American missionary. Shots went by my head. As I turned, the truck driver downshifted and I
fell off the back of the truck. Baptist Chaplain Archie Lawrence, instead of hiding behind the tail
gate, exposed himself to gunfire and grabbed me. Later I told him, “Thanks!” He said, “Since
you are so thankful, then come and sing in the little choir I’m starting.”
I did. And now, I’m helping New Hope, which is a military friendly congregation. With a little
choir too. And rugs and toys for military kids and parents. And Children’s messages. We get
what “Goodbye” and “Godspeed” means for military families.
God works in very mysterious ways.
We also understand and live “WELCOME!”

Chaplain, Pastor, Jeff Swanson